Say it with me:
My life is about to get better than I ever imagined
Let's Make Magic
Let's Make Magic
Hey, You! I’m Kelsey
Writing this bio is a dream come true. If a past version of me could read this — the one who was so lost working a corporate job I hated, in a long-term relationship that had run its course, and was still living my life to please others — she wouldn’t believe it.
The work I get to do now feels like my purpose. I’m a certified Co-Active Coach, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Practitioner, Yoga Teacher, and ex-startup operations + employee experience enthusiast. I work with beautiful souls who want to change their lives, host group programs, share workshops with corporate teams, teach yoga in Santa Cruz, CA, and host retreats with humans I love globally.
That paragraph in itself is a testament to the what’s possible when we listen to ourselves and dare to make the changes needed to live in alignment with our authentic expression of who we are, not who we were taught to be.
Clients usually find me at the part of their journey when they look up and see that the road they’re on isn’t taking them towards a life they actually want. It’s the moment when they know they need to make a change, and want support to make it happen.
Through using my whole toolkit, we shed the “shoulds” in favor of your intuition and honest desires, rewrite your inner narrative as we rewire your brain to support you as you embody holistic success, and design an actionable pathway forward into the life you WANT.
I live in Santa Cruz, CA where my world consists of my dog Wilbur, dance classes, teaching yoga, my sweet niece, obsessing over my garden, and being outside as often as possible.
Some freebies to
get you going.
Self-Hypnosis Starter Series ↴
Step into abundance hypnosis audio ↴
The Self-Talk Challenge ↴